But I'm kind of tired of fake. Fake body parts, fake hamburgers, fake people, fake grass. Cars are made of plastic. My "hardwood" floors aren't actually made of wood. Fireplaces don't burn real logs. It's all a bit disillusioning.
Our society's based on fake. "Good works" posing as genuine, unquestionable moral character. Lust posing as love. Ignorance posing as knowledge. Heard something interesting the other day: Yoga doesn't actually relieve stress, it represses it. See, we want easy answers that make us feel better about ourselves. And pursuing a physical remedy for an emotional or spiritual ailment is easy.
It all just makes me want to find a real log cabin in the middle of the woods, where I can cut my own wood, eat fresh venison and not talk to anyone except those who truly love me. But I supposed that's a fantasy. So I'll just keep faking it.
Today's Redneck Thought: "My sister says Southerners are like other people, only more so." – Blanche McCrary Boyd
We have a real log fireplace. We have a horrible time getting fires to burn in it. We simply aren't boy scouts. John declared on Saturday that our next house would have a "fake" fireplace. I don't think we would make it in "real" world.
Our new cat tries to climb the fake tree, and tries to eat it. I'll cut him a little slack, because this is probably the first time he's ever seen one. The others just decide the tree skirt is a cozy place to take a nap (of course, cats can make darn near anything into a cozy place to nap, it's part of their charm).
The problem with real trees is that some cats get it into their walnut-sized brains that the smell coming from the tree is the result of an imagined rival having "claimed" it already.
"Lust posing as love", eh? Let me tell you something. What's real is that last night around 2AM my 15-year-old daughter called out to me because she had horrible cramps, and I brought her water and Advil and stayed with her for a few minutes until she felt a bit less alone. I do that because I'm her *mother*, not because I'm hot for her other mom.
"Lust" is not what makes me clean up after my partner in the middle of the night when she has the stomach flu. "Lust" is not what drives me to learn, every day, how to connect with our children. "Lust" is not the reason I continue to work on communicating lovingly with Miryam, doing the hard work of marriage.
How dare you imply that gay people don't love our partners! That is a story you tell yourself to make it easier to lump all gay people into a little box and not have to deal with the issue of gays and lesbians in any real way. What would you know about it? Do you even know any gay people besides me? Do you spend time with them? With their families? With their children? Do you have any idea who the *people* are that you dismiss so blindly? Do you even want to know us, or are you content to push us all into the category of "pervert" in your mind? Does the fact that your own sister is a lesbian make no difference to you?
You know *nothing*. Worse, you choose to maintain your ignorance. You want to talk about fake people? Look to yourself first, little brother. As long as you ignore the fact that your big sister is a big dyke, you're being just as fake as any celebrity out there. This is reality. Face up to it, and realize that your prejudice hurts real people - me and my kids.
And you can dismiss this comment if you want to -- I'd be surprised if it gets approved, actually -- but try as you might, you cannot ignore this reality: my love for Miryam is as real and deep as your love for your wife. You can say it isn't, but that's a lie. If Miryam was in an accident tomorrow and lived the rest of her days in a coma, I would love her just the same. I would care for her, visit her, sing her songs, read her books, and when she died, I would bury her and reserve the plot next to her for my own. And I would continue to raise our children to honor her memory and be the beautiful people she's raised them to be. And if that isn't love to you, well, I don't know what to tell you, except that you are the absolute *worst* kind of fool.
You know I love you, but I love God and His unyielding truth more than anyone or anything. I know you’re smarter than me, but I have to point out two wrong assumptions you made about what I wrote: A) That I was referring only to homosexuality (would’ve been just as appropriate to link up a picture of this week’s hot Hollywood couple), and B) that I was asserting that physical lust is the only thing that drives homosexual relationships (although judging by what I’ve observed, it often is).
Nevertheless, we’ll have to agree to disagree on this topic. I’d rather be a fool for Christ than a friend of the world.
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