So I tried to think what sort of situation he could possibly have gotten into. It looks like he rolled the thing, but I saw no damage to the vehicle. The placement and pattern of the mud splatter baffle me. Maybe a sod truck dropped part of his load as the guy drove past him.
This is one of those "write your own caption" pictures, I guess. And it reminds me how rednecks tend to find themselves in odd predicaments. Like a Charlie Daniels song, or like the time I got married – just kidding, wifey! – or like the time me and three friends slept in the front of a Ford Ranger, instead of our tent, because we thought we heard wild hogs running close by.
I mean, aren't some of the best Southern stories about being in a pickle? Like Jerry Clower and the coon huntin' story. Or Ron White getting literally thrown out of a bar in New York. We just have a knack for getting in a "tight spot," to quote Ulysses Everett McGill.
But as long as you come out the other side with no more than a little mud on you, I guess you're OK.
Looks like something that would happen right after someone says "yall watch this"
There were actually 4 of us in the front of that Ranger. And there was "something" making noise out there. Bernice wild hogs are vicious critters.
Yeah, me and three friends: You, Scott and that Irby girl, if I remember correctly.
Robin: Exactly.
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